Friday, January 30, 2009

Paper Towel Absorbency Experiment

of bags and snakes

before yesterday I've taken a long time again what I was but the last time around rather lazy or something schonmal've taken care of the job search, is waiting at home for me. As I have recently eh nothing I do what I thought I could never schonmal slow start online with it.

But as I said before yesterday we went again in nature. The goal of the Blue Mountains were outside of Sydney. By train is one in two hours there and the spot you can then run a few native trails or even carts to the bus from viewpoint to viewpoint can. I've decided for the former. Was also nice to once again operate a little bit physically. Here is an impression in the form of images:

The three sisters


general view


your name to the Blue Mountains have the way, is from the blue veil over the mountains and valleys. Coming from the oily mist to the eucalyptus trees as separate in the air.

And then it was finally where I've seen the first snake. Lay around on the lazy way. Allegedly toxic, have not yet checked for sure, but in Australia the likelihood is quite high I should think.

snake, perhaps ne Copperhead?

the way, this time a picture of me on the road in the bush. Course in style with Bag, as I have already obligatorily carried out earlier times is not to use my daypack and NEN normal backpack I have not. So must serve as more ne bag. I recently even had the idea that I would have eigenltich ne ALDI bags should take. But well, you always think of something until later. Would still have been cool, maybe I would have with it the image of ALDI plastic bags to meet modified. Sun ala ALDI bag & carry as a new Lebensgefuehl. "Low in the bush" or something. Waer bit then maybe but as with the good old Jaeger Meister. 10 years ago and absolutely Alkoholikergetraenk today the 12-year old get the Lollikauf ne "Jaega-Bomb" to do so.

shopping trip in the bush


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