Friday, January 30, 2009

Paper Towel Absorbency Experiment

of bags and snakes

before yesterday I've taken a long time again what I was but the last time around rather lazy or something schonmal've taken care of the job search, is waiting at home for me. As I have recently eh nothing I do what I thought I could never schonmal slow start online with it.

But as I said before yesterday we went again in nature. The goal of the Blue Mountains were outside of Sydney. By train is one in two hours there and the spot you can then run a few native trails or even carts to the bus from viewpoint to viewpoint can. I've decided for the former. Was also nice to once again operate a little bit physically. Here is an impression in the form of images:

The three sisters


general view


your name to the Blue Mountains have the way, is from the blue veil over the mountains and valleys. Coming from the oily mist to the eucalyptus trees as separate in the air.

And then it was finally where I've seen the first snake. Lay around on the lazy way. Allegedly toxic, have not yet checked for sure, but in Australia the likelihood is quite high I should think.

snake, perhaps ne Copperhead?

the way, this time a picture of me on the road in the bush. Course in style with Bag, as I have already obligatorily carried out earlier times is not to use my daypack and NEN normal backpack I have not. So must serve as more ne bag. I recently even had the idea that I would have eigenltich ne ALDI bags should take. But well, you always think of something until later. Would still have been cool, maybe I would have with it the image of ALDI plastic bags to meet modified. Sun ala ALDI bag & carry as a new Lebensgefuehl. "Low in the bush" or something. Waer bit then maybe but as with the good old Jaeger Meister. 10 years ago and absolutely Alkoholikergetraenk today the 12-year old get the Lollikauf ne "Jaega-Bomb" to do so.

shopping trip in the bush

Monday, January 26, 2009

Thomson Viper Filmstream Price

Oz, Oz, Oz! Oi, Oi, Oi!

something like yesterday they shouted encouraging Australia Day. Was a lot going on in the city, at least for Australian conditions. Comparing the 4 million small village of Sydney but sometimes with the Rhine in flames in the provincial town of Bonn in Germany somewhere, then the Australians against crap because quite beautiful. Von Rhein culture, we begin to actually not the first. And then yesterday also one of the few rainy days, this was found here which then fell into the water fireworks. That is, there were some fireworks, but I did not go.

As you know already I am now mittlerwile in Sydney. That's pretty nice and I because of rain today as planned in the Blue Mountains postponed the tour to go and tomorrow I have is I thought I read again what. Must still come to my 5 posts per month average ...

Here, then, first the obligatory photos Sydney, that is opera. This is the way, the most famous building in the Southern Hemisphere. Not that there be as many would, but still.

opera and little bit Skyline

Opera in Black

Have I made in Sydney, however, not yet. I walked around a lot, Botanical Garden, Opera, Harbour Bridge, Darling Harbour and I do not know what I seen it all. Also, I was still in a museum, the National Maritime Museum. If I forgive ne school would get the note is a 3 +, but one thing was nevertheless very interesting. There was the story of a German who is losgepaddelt 1932 with a kayak in Germany and in 1939, 3 weeks after the outbreak of the 2nd World War II, has arrived in Australia. I call that durable! As a reward for the effort gabs first four years jail in Australia because the thought, "Before this is a spy, we'd better go safe!" You have to be pissed off but also quite nice when one is something happening, right? Would probably have to put any swastika flags to the rear ... Nevertheless, only 50000km with the kayak in 6 1 / 2 years or so, that's ne-ready performance, respect at this point. Is not cheap but one years by plane, bus and train.
gabs in addition to the museum was still heading for the Kuriositaetenkabinett. A product of the annual beer cans boat building contest, probably always, if I remember correctly, northern Australia will be played.

beer cans boat

Another interesting discovery was the station hostel. I sometimes pack into the area curiosities, and in any case a very nice idea.

Hostel sleeper

And to conclude with an old picture from Melbourne to the currently prevailing sporting event in Australia. Meanwhile, yes, all Germans are out, so I am on the first day went to yet to see one;)

Australian Open

did well all of you, not long then I'm back "in the area."

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ms Flight Sim Air Brakes

Bilderraetsel Numero 10

It's that time again. This time is difficult, but I find no other grad great image. Ums not quite sooo difficult to do is to request two cockatoos. So who can show me two cockatoos on the picture will get a ticket as long as he or she is in the top 5 answers.

The correct answer from last time is the way: Possumknochen in the asphalt. Come about by driving over a Possum in the subsequent decay have released chemicals soften the asphalt and drueberfahren by further pressured to have the bones in the asphalt. The piece was then cut from the asphalt road udn brought to the museum.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dark Red Bridesmaid Dresses

of kangaroos and angry campsite owners


Summer has finally reached Australia, and it is hot! I used the good weather the last few days and have direct views of the Great Ocean Road and Grampians paid a visit. First we went for it from Melbourne to Adelaide by plane and from there, I then started with 3 other Germans Road Trip. Our vehicle was a small Hyundai Getz in the times we are having 4 + Dining luggage somehow squeezed inside. Because no Japanese would have fitted more between, certainly not with our Durchschnittsgroesse estimated 1.90m Nice crisp wars so closely, but cheap.

Day 1: From Adelaide we drove up to Port Beach, a small Dreckskaff 400 souls. Ansich wars there quite well, and it would have been good if we had had our fishing gear here. Much more than fishing because you do not appear to be namely. After we had a little look around, we went to NEN Camoingplatz at the bureau, however, had already closed. Tent we had none so have 2 in the car and the other two slept outside on the ground. The next morning the car went out quickly so that we nix had to pay even a shower and straight left. Unfortunately I was caught the Campingplatzeigentuemer when I ran out of the shower with my stuff from the campsite to the car. I was then sent first writes the lyrics and stupid dressed, I was a thief blablabla. I then said I would like to pay for the night, but he wanted no more. Did something just told by the police and said I should disappear. Whether I would have know he was still friends, no, I said, quickly drove the car around the next corner and waited with the engine running on the others.

Day 2: From Beach Port went into the Grampians, a national park in the southwest of Victoria. The park is good for a few walks and to see kangaroos. Kangaroos we have seen, but it was too dark to photograph them properly. On the way to our camp, this time with National Park Camping Pass, we have approached directly or a kangaroo. We were not very fast and it's weitergehoppelt then also, I can not say that is has survived obs. But if not, the beasts can be found here down more than red deer in Germany. They're everywhere. Four pieces are gehupst us on one day before the Grampians Kuehler, so far we do not have ne fairly low rate of 25%.

Day 3: The third day we went on the real Great Ocean Road. Landscape worth seeing. I can not do much to To say why I leave it to speak at the pictures.

Great ...

... Ocean ...

... Road

Day 4: Still Great Ocean Road with way back to Melbourne and stop in Torquay and Cape Otway. At Cape Otway koalas can be observed very well. The hanging there all day about lazy around in the eucalyptus trees and do nothing. Supposedly, the 20 h sleep a day! What a life.

12 apostles

12 apostles


Torquay is famous for all the labels have been surfing since founded. Since you can also shop well, especially in all outlets of Quicksilver, Rip Curl wetsuits etc. I'm just AU $ 35, but that's just mostly for the Randgroessen. Still, I've become my all world Shortgroesse still find it. Two Boardis for 40 Euronen that still goes. Do not know what more the cost as in Germany, but that will be at least double if I am not badly mistaken.
So, that's it from the Great Ocean Road, at the end again a few entries for the Kuriositaetenkabinett.

giant lobster

manual for Haendewaschen

German restaurant in German Village

fries machine - Adelaide, where the fries come out of the wall

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Snowmobile Salvage Yards Pic

Happy New Year to you all!

long time I have nothing more to be hearing from me. just had no great desire to write, but to not completely fall behind in terms of reporting is now the time necessary updates.

I just looked again and found that I wrote the last time from Queenstown have. That is already quite a while ago, now I am already in Australia. So fill end to the preface and ran to the gaps.

From Queenstown I have made acquaintances with 3 travel along a tour of the South Island of New Zealand made. emerged First, we went to Dunedin, the place where the image de steepest street in the world (see below). Have there not, especially not during the holidays because then the little life that you can find there leave. The only thing you are probably still can gaze is the Cadbury chocolate factory. We are not, however, went inside. Instead, we have used the other day nice to continue to go south, always on the sea. This it made a very worthwhile stop at Nugget Point.

lighthouse at Nugget Point

A few thousand miles to the Antarctic

After a night somewhere in the boonies in a 5 Haeuserdorf 4 of which are certainly hostels and bed and breakfasts were We then again went back to Queenstown. In the last two days in Queenstown I've posted to me again so ne Touritour. Milford Sound goal was in the fjord country. Although I was not in Norway but I can certainly imagine that the landscape is a lot nicer there. Still nice to behold wars.

Milford Sound

The Fiordland

On the last day in Queenstown I've even indulged in a proper Fergburger. Fergburger is a restaurant (well, more like a snack) and the burgers are assembled there are huge and taste damn good! After the banquet we went to the movies yet, "In Bruges" was the film, which literally translated would be "In Bruges" and in English was the damn amusing. However, this probably comes in large part by the Irish accent the main character (Colin Farrel) ago, so I would like to now not fully recommend to Germany.

The good Fergburger

From Queenstown we went on 24 themselves over to Christ Church. On Christmas Eve itself I am beautiful just went to eat with a trip to Italian acquaintance. On 25, that is the 'Christmas Day' at the party all in English speaking countries, they were presented then a "everyone brings something to feed themselves and all their bellies full of" party. That was definitely nice times. Otherwise, not much gabs in Christchurch, I have the time mainly to my flight to Melbourne with movies distributed in the Hostel movies.

On 28 wars so far and then I left for Down Under. At the airport straight times for 5 Family Guy DVDs purchased, which were 7.50 € the piece simply too good ...

ansich Melbourne is nice, but what I find nothing special. And if that is the party capital of Australia then I am glad that I'm just passing through. Ih probably have just not opened up the real party place, but where I was ok though as long as wars were on, but then was layered rather quickly. Highlight was New Year's Eve. After a delicious dinner of sushi (which is superguenstig box, is the Australian Doener Go. At 1 € for a role off.) We went into town to gaze fireworks and partying. The Feuewerk was quite disappointing, here's the end of each village fair in Germany more going on. But then had not yet earned the After Party with the Party. $ 20 admission, it was said, and Maps were pre-booked extra 3 Britons who were with us in the hostel. When we're there at 1:30 (!!!) clock showed up the place was still occupied with just 30 men! Luckily, we had to pay the $ 20 anymore because I would have been pissed off really. So we then drove to the party district of St. Kilda. Once walked down the beach to gaze at what is still so, and were on our way back by 3 clock turned up everywhere, even the chairs. Super Party also ...

Melbourne at night

fireworks, slightly blurred

My highlight so far in Australia was the shopping spree in the Melbourne ALDI. Built in Germany I as much at home felt like much longer. Even those awful ocher yellow / cream-colored tiles and the font of the price tags are identical to the German models.



Oh, and at the end of yet another film which I can fully recommend: Yesman. Very funny, I thought at least.