Tuesday, September 8, 2009
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With the support of ethical use in future opportunities
absatzwirtschaft.de Thus, ethical consumption can develop further in the future positively, have to which are still indifferent, for younger consumers are obtained. This is a result of the "Otto Group Trend Survey 2009: The future of ethical consumption", for the respondent, the "trend office" as a consultancy for social change in the life of 1000 people aged between 16 and 74. In addition, it estimates from expert interviews and workshops had been included. Thereafter, organic, fair-and regio-products are booming despite stagnant wages, and especially women, more-educated and 48 - had driven up to 67 years old this development ...
http://www.absatzwirtschaft.de/Content/Marketingstrategie/News/_pv/_p/1003002/_t/ft/_b/68805/default.aspx/mit-unterstuetzung-hat-ethischer-konsum-in-zukunft- chancen.html
broccoli from Italy, Spain and cucumbers from contaminated
bio it says, is organic in it - this is not just the adoption of many buyers, but also usually corresponds to the truth as the results of the "Ökomonitoring" Report 2008 shows. As part of this monitoring program for organic farming in 2008 about 800 foods have been tested for contaminants.
result: 95 percent of the surveyed organic fruit and vegetable samples from home and abroad, performed well. They carry the organic seal correctly. There were some outliers: When Broccoli six of 18 samples from southern Italy had for ...
http://www.bild.de/BILD/ratgeber/gesund-fit/2009/09/08/kontrolle/von-bio-lebensmitteln-broccoli-aus-italien-gurken-aus-spanien-verunreinigt-oekomonitoring. html
LCA: Organic fruit traveling
bananas from Ecuador, asparagus from Greece - "Organic" is not automatic for regional or seasonal goods. What is in Bioregal comes more often from distant lands. This is reflected in the ecological balance. But local products are not always the better choice. Gone are the days when organic products a niche in dusty eco-stores-ended and that the selection was limited to shriveled apples, a few local vegetables and lots of grains. From delicacies market to discounters now bio can be found on the shelves. In 2006 bought by consumers in Germany for € 4.5 billion organic products - around 30 percent of the total European organic sales ...
Weiling expands in the south
Ahlener newspaper
CEO Bernd Weiland (above right) is pleased about the fact that the second logistics center of his Bio-Wholesale is already so far. ... "Without the consumer, it is not"
Rapid changes are mainly Include in the markets, the green innovations. News.de spoke to sustainability strategist Thomas Haberland BUND about who is playing the role ...
Sustainable Goods of the Federal Government
The funny picture one to the caravan converted cart I found at the picture research for this article. 130,000 the first version of the brochure "The Nachhaltgie basket" has been ordered or downloaded. I myself know the brochure and find it is really gut.Jetzt the brochure by the Council for Sustainable development of the Federal Government is published, available in a new, completely revised edition ...
http://karmakonsum.de/nachhaltiger-warenkorb-der-bundesregierung ,2787,2009-09 html
nuts. Frequent consumption does not lead to weight gain
nuts increased by high protein and fiber content satiety. The frequent consumption of nuts did not appear to increase the risk for obesity. On the contrary: The nuts can be used as part of a balanced diet even help with weight control. That was the conclusion of a U.S. study in which more surveyed 50,000 nurses aged 20 to 45 years to her diet and lifestyle habits. In addition, the development of body weight was recorded regularly ...
http://www.talkingfood.de/presse/presseschau/TITEL-N% C3% BCsse:% 20H% C3% A4ufiger 20Verzehr%%%% 20f% C3 BChrt% 20to% 20nicht 20Gewichtszunahme, 7,34,5592 . html
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