Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cornstarch Where To Buy In Uk

The Beo-organic dizziness
as "organic refreshment" from "natural ingredients" and without "artificial additives" Carlsberg advertises its "beo home" spray. But in the drink in "excellent organic quality" stuck in reality only 5.5 percent "organic". In the form of sugar and barley malt. Main ingredient is ordinary water, for taste and color do not make organic fruit, but most of all additives and unspecified natural flavors ...

International Green Brands study
In the W & L was an interesting article about a new international study on green branding.
the middle of the crisis to worry about 30% of German consumers are more concerned about the environment and the economy. This shows the international study, "Green Brands 4.0", published by the American PR agency Cohn & Wolfe Public Relations, and was raised in the seven countries USA, UK, China, Brazil, India, Germany and France. For the first time German consumers about environmental protection and "green stamps" were asked ... ,2799,2009-09. html

partly contaminated corn seed genetically In 22 of 386 examined maize seed samples in Germany found This year marks actually prohibited from genetically modified maize. This is clear from the research organizations Greenpeace and organic. As the organizations announced on Wednesday in Mainz and Hamburg, the genetic component in all cases was below 0.1 percent respectively. The organizations are calling for the hundred percent purity of the seed ...

organic cucumber from Spain are contaminated
comprendes.d - The Spain magazine in German language - 12 hours ago
Ökomonitoring its annual report published in 2008. 95 percent of the products are no complaints. For organic cucumbers from Spain, there were complaints. ...

Olivenöl in Bag-in-Box zum Vorzugspreis


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