Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Myrtle Beach Senior Week Condo

The change in our eating habits since 1900

The diet in industrialized countries has changed considerably since the turn of the century. By 1900, most meals, the average population consisted mainly of vegetables, potatoes, cereals, pulses and fruit milk products were consumed in lesser quantities than today, and came from grazing cows. Meat was more of a leaflet and only on special occasions, the main component of a meal. Since then, this diet was replaced by more and more protein and fat, nourishing poor food - especially meat, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy products.

consumed in the eighties, the West Europeans and North Americans 33% more milk products, 50% more beef and poultry, 280% more than 1900-1910! In the U.S. alone each year more animals slaughtered for meat production as the world's inhabitants. In Germany, every day make 50 000 cattle and pigs their lives, plus countless fish, chickens and other animals. produce

To the huge amounts of food needed for the fattening of animals, annually several million tons of pesticides are used, enough to kill the world population. These drastic changes in eating habits have significant consequences - not only for our health but also for the environment.

waste of natural resources

proportion of grain consumed by animals for fattening in the annual world harvest: 49% .
share of soybeans consumed by animals for fattening in the annual world harvest: 90% .
How often a child on Earth dies of malnutrition: every 2.3 seconds .

number of kilograms of grain and soybeans, which to produce 1 kg of animal food are necessary:


16 kg


6 kg

poultry / eggs:

3-4 kg

number of children , the daily die as a result of malnutrition: 38 000 .

number of nutrients are lost from the conversion of grain into meat







number of people who died in 1991 from malnutrition: 20 million .

number of kilograms of edible products that can be produced on an acre of land:


1000 kg

green beans:

2000 kg


4000 kg



potatoes kg:

8000 kg


10,000 kg


12,000 kg

Beef: could

50 kg

number of people living with the animal feed (grains and soy) sufficient food to be that for meat and milk production for a Western average consumers are required: 7 .

proportion of arable land that is used for animal husbandry and animal feed production: 64% .

proportion of arable land that is needed for the production of fruits and vegetables: 2% .

number of people who are fed enough to be could if land, water and energy would be used instead of meat production in the grain, if humanity 10% less meat would eat: over a billion .

The most common reason in the history of the downfall of great civilizations and kingdoms: loss of fertile soil .

originally part of the fertile soil, in Europe and North America due to excessive leaching through intensive economy can no longer be used: third .

Current annual loss of fertile soil in the U.S. alone: five billion tons .

share of this loss, which is at the expense of meat and milk production: 85 % .

calorie consumption (fossil fuels), which is to produce 1 meat protein-calorie necessary: 78 kcal .

calorie consumption, which is to produce 1 soybean protein-calorie necessary: 2 .

Of the total water consumption in Western Europe and North America accounted for intensive farming: over 50% .

amount of water consumed in California to produce 1 kg of food:


138 l


138 l


150 l


106 l


198 l


40-60 l


320 l


840 l


3300 l


4950 l


9700 l


32 100 l

share of today's medicines which owe their existence to plants: 25% .

number of plant species become extinct every day: 24 .

destruction of rain forests

number of square meters of tropical rain forests that are sacrificed for a Hamburger: 5th
share of the destruction of tropical rain forest, which is at the expense of mass animal production: 90% .


production of excreta of farm animals in factory farms in the United States and Western Europe: 1.1 million kilograms per second.
proportion of all raw materials (vegetable food, water, fossil fuels, timber, minerals), which is used by factory farms in Western Europe and North America: third .
share of water pollution in Europe, at the cost of factory farming: over 50% .

popular advertising slogan of the meat industry: "Animal protein is indispensable."
Prof. Dr. Wendt, Dr. MO Bruker and other leading nutritionists say animal proteins is a different type.
It leads to excess to protein storage diseases is Mitverusacher of atherosclerosis, rheumatic diseases, the main cause of allergies, eczema, lymphatism. The avoidance of animal proteins brings only benefits.

cliche, flesh is a "strong" foods. Men need meat to be strong.
fact: men who eat meat more than three times a week, have a 3.6 times greater risk of developing prostate cancer than men who eat meat once a week or less.

argument of the meat lobby: the meat is protein rich.
fact: The highest protein intake, the human being as a baby. The ideal food for babies is breast milk


Major causes of death in the U.S. and Western Europe: cardiovascular diseases .
second biggest killer in the U.S. and Western Europe: cancer .

probability of death from heart attack on meat eaters: 50% .
probability of death from heart attack in vegetarians: 15% .
probability of death from cancer among meat eaters: 24% .
probability of death from cancer in vegetarians: 8% .
probability of death from heart attack and cancer combined in vegans (vegetarians who also no eggs and Eat dairy products): under 6% .

reduce the likelihood of a heart attack by reducing the consumption of meat, eggs and dairy products by 10%: 9% .
reduce the likelihood of a heart attack by reducing the consumption of meat, eggs and dairy products by 50%: 45% .
populations with low meat consumption and high cancer rate: no .
populations with high meat consumption and lower cancer rates: no .
Increased breast cancer risk for women who eat an egg a day, compared to an egg per week or less: 2.8 times higher .
Increased breast cancer risk for women who eat meat daily compared to once a week or less: 3.8 times higher .

advertising slogan of the meat industry: "Meat is a piece of life force."
popular cliché: Vegetarians are weak.

Some vegetarians athletes:
Carl Lewis: multiple Olympic champions, world record over 100 m (since 2 years of total vegetarians)
Edwin Moses: two Olympic medals, four world records in the 400m hurdles
Paavo Nurmi: nine Olympic medals, 22 world records in long distance running
Dave Scott: 6-time winner of the Ironman (Ultra-Triathlon, Hawaii)
Bill Pearl: 4-time Mr. Universe (bodybuilding, weight training)
Andreas Cahling : Bodybuilding World Champion 1980
Sixto Linares: world record holder in the 24-hour triathlon (vegan)
Stan Price: world record holder in bench press
Kim Cho world record holder in the front support (33 000 in 24 hours)
James and Jonathan de Donato: world record holder in the Dolphins long-distance swimming
Sri Chinmoy (Yogi and philosopher of peace) and members of Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team: bests in the marathon and ultra marathon, triathlon, weightlifting, long distance swimming (English Channel).

warning by supporters of the conventional nutrition science: vegetarians need to eat dairy products, vegan diet is dangerous.
health of vegans for trials of the National Academy of Sciences (USA): outstanding.

breast milk and pesticides

percentage of meat-eating mothers with DDT in their breast milk: 97% .
percentage of vegetarian mothers with DDT in breast milk: 8% .
percentage of mothers living vegan (completely free of animal food) with DDT in breast milk: 1.1% .
Average load of human milk with environmental pollutants in "normal" mothers compared to mothers Vegan: 35 times higher .


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