Saturday, March 5, 2011

Popped Cherry Bleeding

A positive example

Urban Shelter of Aranjuez, a positive example
There are no official figures on how many refugee camps there for unpopular become pets in Spain are, this so-called perreras run like a deadly network all over Spain. Most perreras are run by cities or towns, many are in private hands, the business of death is a lucrative one, or they are led by animal rights activists who give their best to keep the number of euthanasia as low as possible, creates many a dog pound it even to sacrifice any animals. The time limits, so the time that you give the animals a new family to find, vary from region to region.

reach repeatedly shocking news about catastrophic conditions in refugee camps, the public, there is a lack of control and sanctions for violation of animal protection laws . click

The complete report here

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dark Mucus Bleeding Between Periods


street animals ASSUME

year die in the middle of Europe, millions of stray animals: in death camps, the
call themselves "shelters"
or in the "freedom" - from hunger, cold, disease, poison.

While there are many local laws that forbid this actually
but care is often not local authorities,
nor the competent organs of the executive branch to ensure compliance with the laws
Even the most barbaric cruelty to animals draw any criminal consequences,
as they are not punished as a rule.
the complete text and click on the petition >>> here \u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;

Places To Get Waxing Done In Arlington, Tx

action animal-lecture series "street cats in Germany - causes, problems and help"

Press reports:

image Berlin, 02.11.2011

Evening News, 02/07/2011

tz Munich, 04.02.2011

Ruger 10/22 Solid Wood Stocks

action animal Lecture Series: "street cats in Germany - causes, problems and help"

out this week by action animal in 5 cities, five information sessions on street cats.

as road or stray cats, old cats and their offspring are called, who live largely been abandoned and left to themselves all over Germany. The approximately 1-hour Lecture, which is accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation with many photos of evidence, gives a good insight into the hard lives of these animals in the problem of uncontrolled proliferation and aid, the action animal, within the context of his street cats project KITTY nationwide.

will also talk about the government controlled mandatory castration of cats with private outdoor gear, which has proven to be effective in reducing street cats stocks. For unneutered cats with private clearance is a crucial factor for the increase of street cat populations. Named after the first city in Germany, in which these compulsory castration animal was introduced by intensive participation of action, has the "Paderborn model" is now shown in other cities effect. The 3 action animal speakers are longtime employees of the club and real street cat experts who were involved in the construction of the project KITTY, know the exact structures and have captured of course, already own a lot of street cats in live traps. Following the presentation, the speakers will answer gladly all questions.

Munich Date: Monday 07
February 2011 Time: 19.00 clock
Location: Gasthof "Maxhof" Mühlthaler Str 91, 81475 München
Admission: Free
Speaker: Judith Brett Meister (Associate of action animal-Munich)
Tel: 08141-3152747 or Mobile: 01577-4740316 (judith.brettmeister @

Date: Tuesday 08
February 2011 Time: 18.00 clock
Location: Hotel & Pension Belle floor on Lietzensee "Lietzenseeufer 10, 14057 Berlin

Admission: 3 €
Speaker: Ursula Bauer
(Biologist, Associate of action animal-Berlin)
Tel: 030 / 30 10 38 31, (

Gevelsberg Silschede
Date: Wednesday, 09
February 2011 Time: 18.00 clock
Location: AWO house (2nd house) on fire pond
12, 58285 Gevelsberg Silschede
Admission: free
Speaker: Susan Smith (Associate of action animal-NRW)
Tel: 0178 / 2375424, (

Langenhagen / Hanover
Date: Thursday, 10 February 2011
Time: 19.00 clock
Location: Shelter Hannover, Evers Horster Strasse 80, 30855 Langenhagen
Admission: free
Speaker: Ursula Bauer
(Biologist, Associate of action animal-Berlin)
Tel: 030 / 30 10 38 31, (

Date: Friday, 11
February 2011 Time: 20.45 clock
Location: LESIA, veterinary clinic for small animals
Adler Strasse 63, 40211 Dusseldorf
Admission: free
Registration: Please phone in 0211/322777-0
or by e-mail: mail (at)
Speaker: Ursula Bauer
(Biologist, Associate of action animal-Berlin)
Tel: 030 / 30 10 38 31, (

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Swollen Tender Breasts

The murder of the greyhounds, is endless, crime scene Albacete

>>>>> Who looks away, makes himself guilty \u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;
Mitlgieder of the Animal Protection Association APAP Arca de Noé de Albacete were informed by a young makraben discovery in a cave in Chinchilla de Montearagón (Albacete). Prepared for the worst, they went to the scene. There they found numerous carcasses of greyhounds, of Cortona in various states of decay, tied with ropes, they suffered a slow and painful death. Also, they found all the throws, they were in small pits too deep to escape them.
This is not unique, are found everywhere in Spain in a random dead greyhounds in caves or wells, one can only guess that many of these dark graves are never discovered.
images to this horrible article click >>> here \u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Nice Way To Word Pay For Own Meals

The race against death has already begun long

The mass killing of greyhounds

The race for survival began long ago, hundreds of greyhounds wait in the many perreras to her sad end, many desperate calls go through the English distributor, animal protection, with their nerves on end, one tries to help where we can, but there are just too many greyhounds that are completely legal made by their owners to kill in a shelter.

>>>>> The report, Complete click here \u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;

Muscle Cramps And Spironolactone

who looks away, makes himself guilty

"piano playing" English style

The hanging of greyhounds even has a name, "tocar el piano" to German "piano" as the Galgo soon enough with his feet the ground touches and kicking for his life, as when a pianist strikes the keys, but it is not a game, it is a pathetic cowardly murder of a brutal, despicable individual in a life being whose only offense was born as a greyhound in Spain was be.

the complete report click your cruel >>>>> here \u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;

Friday, January 14, 2011

Calgary Heating Costs

action animal takes rhesus monkeys from oak forest near Berlin

Berlin / Brandenburg, Saxony Hagen, 01.06.2011. Michael Kretschmer is close to tears. Just be female rhesus monkeys in the Nicki action animal-welfare car is loaded. For 15 years Nick lived with him but now he can no longer finance the maintenance. "We have undertaken at the request of Mr Kretschmer towards the monkey today and bring him once in the action animal-wildlife and wildlife conservation station after Sachsenhagen "said Ursula Bauer of action animal Berlin. Dr. Florian Brandes, veterinarian and director of the station in Saxony Hagen, Nicki expertly captured in the net, so that it remained an anesthetic spared. In about 3 months, the monkey will then give the animal protection organization AAP, which in Almere in the Netherlands has a special sanctuary. Here, then tried to integrate the lonely Nicki again in a rhesus monkey group, so that they can lead a decent life.

Nicki is the last of the originally 3 rhesus monkeys. First took Mr Kretschmer Bimbo the Monkey Man from a friend. As this was very lonely, Mr. Kretschmer built an enclosure and bought in 1996 to the female rhesus macaques Nita and their 4-year-old daughter Nicki from the zoo Klingenthal. At that time there Mr. Kretschmer was financially well. Years played badly - but the life of 54 years has. Years ago he gave up his job to care for his sick mother until she died at home. Later still, Mr. Kretschmer on his father, who died a few months as well.

action animal had last year a campaign called "Wild animals do not belong to the living room - only the appropriate conditions is freedom" carried out, under which, inter alia, the issue the private exotic attitude was also expressed. In interested can view the campaign video, and download the campaign flyer and a petition against exotic exchanges.

Berliner Kurier, 10 Janauar 2011

Märkische General, 11 January 2011

Is Klonopin That Is Expired Ok To Take

We say thanks to Igualdad Animal !!!!!!!! took

sympathizers Igualdad Animal rescue 36 dogs from a dog breeder test

Simpatizantes de Igualdad Animal a rescatan 36 perros de un Criadero de animales para vivisección from Igualdad Animal on Vimeo .

In the night of 1 January 2011 liberated from sympathizers Igualdad Animal 36 beagles from a breeder who breeds the dogs specially to of Harlan Inter Flora in Sant Feliu de Codines as animals to be abused.
alone within the European Union each year, approximately 12 million animals for scientific purposes!