The murder of the greyhounds, is endless, crime scene Albacete
>>>>> Who looks away, makes himself guilty \u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;
Mitlgieder of the Animal Protection Association APAP Arca de Noé de Albacete were informed by a young makraben discovery in a cave in Chinchilla de Montearagón (Albacete). Prepared for the worst, they went to the scene. There they found numerous carcasses of greyhounds, of Cortona in various states of decay, tied with ropes, they suffered a slow and painful death. Also, they found all the throws, they were in small pits too deep to escape them.
This is not unique, are found everywhere in Spain in a random dead greyhounds in caves or wells, one can only guess that many of these dark graves are never discovered.
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