Friday, January 14, 2011

Calgary Heating Costs

action animal takes rhesus monkeys from oak forest near Berlin

Berlin / Brandenburg, Saxony Hagen, 01.06.2011. Michael Kretschmer is close to tears. Just be female rhesus monkeys in the Nicki action animal-welfare car is loaded. For 15 years Nick lived with him but now he can no longer finance the maintenance. "We have undertaken at the request of Mr Kretschmer towards the monkey today and bring him once in the action animal-wildlife and wildlife conservation station after Sachsenhagen "said Ursula Bauer of action animal Berlin. Dr. Florian Brandes, veterinarian and director of the station in Saxony Hagen, Nicki expertly captured in the net, so that it remained an anesthetic spared. In about 3 months, the monkey will then give the animal protection organization AAP, which in Almere in the Netherlands has a special sanctuary. Here, then tried to integrate the lonely Nicki again in a rhesus monkey group, so that they can lead a decent life.

Nicki is the last of the originally 3 rhesus monkeys. First took Mr Kretschmer Bimbo the Monkey Man from a friend. As this was very lonely, Mr. Kretschmer built an enclosure and bought in 1996 to the female rhesus macaques Nita and their 4-year-old daughter Nicki from the zoo Klingenthal. At that time there Mr. Kretschmer was financially well. Years played badly - but the life of 54 years has. Years ago he gave up his job to care for his sick mother until she died at home. Later still, Mr. Kretschmer on his father, who died a few months as well.

action animal had last year a campaign called "Wild animals do not belong to the living room - only the appropriate conditions is freedom" carried out, under which, inter alia, the issue the private exotic attitude was also expressed. In interested can view the campaign video, and download the campaign flyer and a petition against exotic exchanges.

Berliner Kurier, 10 Janauar 2011

Märkische General, 11 January 2011


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