Monday, March 30, 2009

Memo On Company Vehicle Use

From Angkor Wat and Thai Nazis

So, perhaps the last entry from a foreign land! Actually, it would have to give also a Bilderraetsel, but I am as yet uncertain. First, what the image, the other in terms of prices. The fact is that I, on 4 April again set foot on German soil, munching German food and sleep in my own bed.

Before that happens but here is a brief review, written from Bangkok. The experiences between Singapore and Bangkok are limited to short trips to Malaysia and Cambodia. Not much has happened in Malaysia and I'm here now do not continue.

Instead, jump to the highlights of Southeast Asia, the Angkor Wat. And, Angkor Wat is actually wrong. You would have to say the temples of Angkor, Angkor Wat is the only one of a special temple in this condition, although one of the more impressive. Overall, I have two days left for this time, which is sufficient in my opinion also. If you have eilg mans the most important sees in a day and 3 or even 7 days (you can buy a 7-day pass) is probably just for those extremely interested in dealing with something in their free time and working .

The 2 days ware but definitely worth the trip. The main temple are considered very handsome. As always difficult to describe something can just generate the images.

Ta Prohm a

Ta Prohm 2

Ta Prohm 3

Bayon a

Bayon 2

From Siem Reap, the gateway town to the temples of Angkor, it went straight over to Bangkok . I would have imagined the city significantly dirtier and busier than it actually is, so I am quite pleasantly surprised. Main company in Bangkok is probably go shopping. In addition you can shop copious but also some cultural places, especially temples and Buddhas. Of temples I've only seen the temple in the Grand Palace, former seat of the Thai king, with its Emerald Buddha. Who is indeed from Jade and not emerald, but still looks good. The Grand Palace is also quite stylish, architecturally something different.

Grand Palace, Temple 1

Grand Palace, Temple 2

before yesterday, I'm off into the city. My first ride in a classic Thai TukTuk. Heading Thats has something new for Kuriositaetenkabinett, and that a dog who gave himself out on a treadmill for a walk on the roadside. Like a giant hamster wheel with treadmill instead. It looked kind of funny, unfortunately I missed a photo.

Moreover Thats has a motorcyclist with swastika pennants on exhaust, which is an image, even if you can not really see the pennant. Are people ...

swastika flags on the exhaust


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